Wednesday, April 29, 2009

European Initiative

Main summary :

The European Union has struck a deal which is arguably the most important since its foundation 50 years ago . The EU committed itself to lower its carbon dioxide emissions by 20% by 2020 from their 1990 level. It will be done by using renewables such as water, air, tidal power and biofuels.
Nuclear power, clean coal and renewables are the main types of energy to be used. After 2010, every new power station in Europe will have to have carbon capture and storage technology. From the next year carbon emissions from cars are to be radically reduced. However, the farmers can now reduce the carbon by growing plants for biofuels which are to constitute 10 % of all petrol. Nowadays there is a new limit for carbon emissions and as a result the carbon price will increase. Renewable energy is a very expensive method of energy. wind disturbs natural habitats and mass befouling in the Amazon could destroy its rain forests. Miliband introduced a climate change plan, which will help Britan to cut carbon emissions by 60% by the year 2050. In December, the UN will convene the key meeting in Indonesia to begin the discussions about what treaty will succeed Kyoto.

Main idea:
EU countries are some of the leading countries in the world. They are trying to reduce the carbon emissions in the future by using renewable energy. The EU countries got a detailed plan.

My opinion:
In my opinion I think the world should react to this matter because it is a critical matter and we all should work together so we can provide a better life for our next generation.

Carbon footprint

I measured my carbon footprint at & it was 3.27 planets.
Carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gasses caused by individuals, organizations and products. My carbon foot print is average compared to the class mates, the class ranged from a lowest of 2.80 planets to a highest of 5.10 planets. The process of measuring our carbon footprint was simple; we had to answer some questions that reflect our life. Whether we live a healthy life or a unhealthy life we still produce carbon. The questions included the type of food we eat, the way we travel and how we live and types of our houses and how any stuff we bought in the last 12 months. The most way I have contributed to greenhouse gasses are travel. We can reduce our carbon footprint by changing our style life, First we need to change the way we travel. Since the UAE has a weak public transportation system everyone uses his own car to go to work or travel around town. However I don’t think changing one person’s life style will have a different affect we all need to change our life style to have a slight change in the affect

Monday, April 20, 2009

Review of An Inconvenient Truth

Patrick,( said the movie was not good because :
1- He thinks that Al Gore is a self-important windbag and that he wants to be remembered as an environmentalist.
2- He says the movie is more personal than discussing environmental issues.
3- Al Gore is a hypocrite because he is talking about people’s carbon foot print and he is flying around with a private jet giving his lectures.
4- He says that this movie will be forgotten after 2 - 3 years and he thinks it will be interesting if the years to come can prove whether the movie is true or not.

Dave Calhoun,(, said that the movie is good because:
1- The information he presents like graphs, pictures and movies are true and can't be denied.
2- He also says that American people should start working on this problem; nevertheless he also mentions that one of the two countries that still didn’t sign the Kyoto treaty is the USA and that they should start thinking about it.
3- he says that the DVD should be used in classrooms across the USA.

In my opinion I agree with Dave Caloum . I think all countries should start working on this problem and work on it and I think all the countries that didn’t sign the Kyoto treaty should sign it because we need all the world to think about this problem . And I think the DvD should be used around the world not just in the USA because it will show the students what the problem is and how it affects the world.

Monday, April 13, 2009