Monday, March 23, 2009

An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore

An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary film about global warming presented by former United states vice president Al Gore in 2006. Through the movie Al Gore presents statistics providing enough data and information about global warming.In this film Al Gore divides the film into 2 parts. The first part talks about the global warming and the second talks about some of the saddent part of his life. In the first part Al Gore starts showing the people some pictures of the earth that were taken in 1972 .That was the most popular picture of the earth; then he showed us a statistic about the CO2 level of the earth and how the CO2 has changed over 1000 years but the CO2 grew a lot in the last 50 years. Al Gore showed some of the best taken pictures of the nature in the past 20 years and showed how it’s beautiful at that time but unfortunately now that nature has been destroyed by the people's action. Al Gore shows in the film how the sea level will grow up in the next 100 years by 20 feet. In the second part Al Gore talks about his sister Nancy's death because of lung cancer and the car accident of his son.

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